Author interview with Yael Maree

Author interview with Yael Maree

1.       Are you restricted to just one genre? What made you want to write in this/these genre/s?

No. I love writing across all genres mashing them up and experimenting. Writing, much like art should be written outside the box so to speak. I mostly enjoy speculative fiction set in dystopian worlds and a splash of romance never hurt anyone. I do however also love writing mysteries and psychological thrillers.

2.       Do you do any research for the characters/setting /customs/world? If so, what did you research?

I often research. Many times, I research names and their meanings and often the character I name have strong meanings behind them. Over the years I have searched hundreds of small things that make all the difference. Anything from medical anomalies to ways to kill someone, to mental illness to beautiful places. I think the right research brings authenticity to your work and is an investment in your story.

3.       What first made you want to write? Has it always been a lifelong dream of yours to write?

I have always written, since a young age. I’ve always been a collector of words.

4.       What is your writing kryptonite?

I think my biggest kryptonite as you called it is my inability to plot or plan. It’s a blessing and curse – I let my story take me where it wants to but often it’s not where I thought I was going and sometimes it can lead me to get stuck as I can’t find a way to connect point A with point B.

5.       Do you have relationships with other authors and if so, how have they helped you along your journey?

I do know a fair number of authors. The best part about them apart from the incredible support is their understanding of your creative journey and struggles, they are always great people to bounce ideas off and help with critique and advice.

6.       Do your books stand alone or are you creating books that interconnect (not necessarily a series)?

I have done both. I do prefer stand alones.

7.       How many unpublished books have you written?

I currently have about 13 unfinished/mostly finished/ completed but unpublished books on my computer and note books.

8.       Do you review other author’s books?

Always! I know how important it is. I try to be honest and fair about all my reviews.

9.       Are any of your characters based on real people?

Some character traits and mannerism are based on some real people in my life.

10.   What is the name of your first and most recent books?

My first book is called When We Vanish and my most recent is called Mating Season – Ben.

11.   What one thing you’d like your readers to know about you?

Just that I am so thankful for each and every person who reads my books and takes time to review them, it makes my word a little brighter.

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Mating Season






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